David E. Lorey The Rise of the Professions in Twentieth-Century Mexico University Graduates and Occupational Change since 1929 1994 Revised edition; 232 pp., 56 tables, bibl. 0-87903-257-X Paper $21.95 Available Now. SALA Supplement Volume 12
Download Book Order Form to Purchase The data developed in this study make it possible to analyze the relationship between trends in university graduates and their fields of study and trends in employment opportunities for professionals in Mexico. The data are useful for the analysis of some of the most important themes in Mexican historiography. For the first time the researcher can approach questions such as the pace of historical social mobility from the inside, from the perspective of people trying to make their way into the Mexican middle class.
"Anyone who has examined Mexican development in the twentieth century, and has searched, often in vain, for comparable and longitudinal sets of social data, will welcome this work."
Journal of Latin American Studies