Buy Now | Edited by David E. Lorey United States-Mexico Border Statistics since 1900 1990 512 pp., bibl., index 0-87903-251-0Hard Cover $145.00 Available Now. SALA Supplement Volume 11
Download Book Order Form to Purchase The first comprehensive collection of historical statistics on the society and economy of the United States-Mexico border region. Quantitative data on all major aspects of life in the Mexican North and U.S. Southwest are organized into thematic chapters for use in studying the historical evolution of the region. Includes interpretive essays on security and interdependence, prices and wages, and the maquila industry.
"... the work is an indispensable resource tool for everyone who writes about or otherwise investigates the border, its people, or its products. Where else in a single volume can one find relevant data extracted from major governmental and private statistical sources in the United States and Mexico and from hundreds of books, monographs, articles, and other published and unpublished materials?"
Hispanic American Historical Review