Wednesday, October 26, 201611:00 AM - 1:00 PM
11372 Bunche
This week’s workshop will focus on theories and methodologies for researching climate change in post-Soviet spaces. Participants are encouraged to read two papers. The first is "A Political ecology of 'water in mind': Attributing perceptions in the era of global climate change" (Crate, 2011). Anthropologist Susan Crate brings us to villages populated by Viliui Sakha horse and cattle breeders of northeastern Siberia, who are contending with dramatically altered water regimes in a part of the world that has some of the most extreme seasons on Earth. Crate reviews and promotes a theoretical framework of political ecology in order for researchers to understand how people experience and interact with their changing environment. The second paper, "Arctic climate change discourse: the contrasting politics of research agendas in the West and Russia" (Forbes and Stammler, 2009) takes us deeper into the Arctic to the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in northwestern Siberia. Here, drawing on fieldwork with Nenets reindeer herders, the authors make the case for placing research agendas on climate change and adaptation in their specific local and regional context and temporal framework.
Please RSVP, as lunch will be served. The readings are available online through UCLA or by contacting the workshop organizer, Mia Bennett (email address on right).
The workshop is also meant to dovetail with the public lecture on Friday by Professor Mark Aldenderfer (UC Merced), which is part of the Climate Change in Central Asia lecture series. More information about the talk is below and at the following link.
The Climatic Contexts of Trans-Himalayan Population Movements: 3000-1500 Years Ago
Climate Change in Central Asia Lecture by Mark Aldenderfer, UC Merced
Friday, October 28, 2016
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Fowler Museum A222
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology
Sponsor(s): Program on Central Asia