PhD: Stanford 1974
Research focus: Organization theory, institutional structure and process, knowledge generation and transfer, comparative international institutions, industrial productivity
Selected publications:
"Intellectual Human Capital and the Birth of U.S. Biotechnology Enterprises," American Economic Review, March 1998, 88(1): 290-306. (With Michael R. Darby, and Marilynn B. Brewer)
"Geographically Localized Knowledge: Spillovers or Markets?", Economic Inquiry, January 1998, 36(1): 65-86. (Witch Michael R. Darby and Jeff Armstrong)
"Star Scientists and Institutional Transformation: Patterns of Invention and Innovation in the Formation of the Biotechnology Industry." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, November 12, 1996, 93 (23): 12, 709-12, 716 (With Michael R. Darby)