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Christopher P. Hanscom

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Associate Professor of Korean Literature

Department: Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
290 Royce Hall
Box 951540
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1540
Phone: 310-825-3486
Fax: 310-825-8808
Email: chanscom@ucla.edu

Keywords: Korea, Literature

Chris Hanscom (B.A. Cornell University, 1994; Ph.D. UCLA, 2006) is an associate professor in the department of Asian Languages and Cultures at UCLA.  Author of The Real Modern: Literary Modernism and the Crisis of Representation in Colonial Korea (Harvard, 2013) and co-editor of Imperatives of Culture: Selected Essays on Korean HIstory, Literature, and Society from the Japanese Colonial Era (Hawaii, 2013), his research interests include the relationship between social and aesthetic forms, comparative colonialism, and concepts of race and culture under Japanese empire.