This conference focuses on what California can learn from Australia regarding conservation and the efficient use of scarce water resources. Space is limited for this exclusive event so please register today!
Monday, January 13, 20149:30 AM - 5:15 PM9:30 AM Registration, 10:00 AM ConferenceGrand Horizon Room, Covel Commons, UCLA Campus330 De Neve Dr.Los Angeles, CA 90095
CONFERENCE PODCASTS Part I Welcome Remarks | Australia and the US - Partners for Water Solutions Part II Global Water Management by 2050: Regional and National Solutions Part III How will Sydney and Los Angeles Manage Water in 2050? Part IV Keynote: Australia's Major Water Reforms Part V Stormwater Capture for Water Supply by 2050 Part VI Integrating Recycled Water Part VII Final Thoughts
Sponsor(s): Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, UCLA International Institute, UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations, UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation, UCLA Emmett Center on Climate Change and the Environment